Friday, February 27, 2009

pregnancy & menopause

Many couples struggle with getting pregnant. In many cases, these couples need to consult with a health care professional to explore alternative options to traditional conception. However, there are a few lifestyle adjustments that couples can make that can increase chances of fertility.Lifestyle adjustments to increase the chances of pregnancy:
Have intercourse more than three times a week. If unsuccessful after twelve months, consult a physician.
Be sure to have intercourse during your most fertile days (days 5 to 14 of your menstrual cycle).
Men may need to wear loose-fitting undershorts as opposed to tight fitting briefs. Briefs can lower sperm count, as this garment increases temperature within the scrotum.
See a gynecologist if these changes are not effective. An Ob/Gyn can offer alternative pregnancy methods that require medical supervision.

preparation for pregnancyIt is helpful to begin to prepare for pregnancy at least a year in advance. That allows time to get to a healthy body weight slowly by eating nutritious foods, to stop smoking and drinking and to get off birth control. Getting the body to a healthy weight is a crucial step to take before pregnancy since mothers who are overweight are more likely to have stillborn babies and encounter other health issues like diabetes and hypertension. Dieting during pregnancy can lead to fetal complications and should never be attempted. A healthy diet with recommended prenatal amounts of folic acid and iron is crucial three months before conception. Getting off birth control allows a woman's period to stabilize making it easier to predict the due date, which helps prevent against miscarriages. The first few weeks into the first trimester are crucial to having a healthy baby yet many women don't even realize they are pregnant during this time. Preparing to be pregnant before trying to conceive is extremely helpful to the health of the fetus.
Men should also avoid stress and drinking three months before conception, which will help regulate hormone levels in sperm.
Another good game plan when preparing for conception is to visit the gynecologist. A physician can recommend multi-vitamins and using a barrier method like a condom rather than taking hormones to keep from getting pregnant. The physician can discuss medical history and recommend individual health precautions before and during pregnancy. Daily medication may be altered to keep from harming the fetus. Also mothers-to-be should be updated on all immunizations, especially rubella. Be sure to get help for depression or anxiety as well. Mental health is another crucial aspect to the developing baby. top

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