Saturday, February 28, 2009

Be Aware of Possible Infertility Issues

Be Aware of Possible Infertility Issues Infertility touches about one in five couples. That means about about 15% of couples will have some difficulty in getting pregnant. However, most of these issues are not insurmountable, and can be corrected by diet and health changes, by using a fertility supplement, or by taking a prescription fertility drug. Male fertility issues (issues relating to sperm count or motility) can also play into infertility problems. Being aware of potential infertility symptoms is important, and these include absent cycles, very long or very short menstrual cycles, failure to show signs of ovulation. etc. Learn more about infertility problems.
Stay Upbeat, Decrease Stress, Even AcupunctureEasy for me to say, right! We certainly understand that trying-to-conceive is not the most stress-free time of life, particularly if you have been trying for several cycles or longer. Who wants to spend the rest of their lives waking up each morning to the giddy beep of a basal thermometer? Or peeing on ovulation tests and making a mess all over the place? Still, decreasing sources of stress and anxiety is important, and will help you conceive sooner. Also, make sure you are taking positive steps to keep things in perspective:
if you are feeling down or anxious, try exercising, taking calming walks, meditation, distracting hobbies etc. You may also wish to consider yoga or acupuncture, and there is plenty of literature available linking increased fertility (cycle balance) to fertility-acupuncture. If you are taking medications for depression or anxiety, do talk with your doctor before getting pregnant to make sure those meds are safe!
Sexual Positions for PregnancyThough the jury is still out on if, or to what degree, sexual position impacts your odds of conceiving, many doctors and fertility experts suggest that the missionary position is the ideal "pregnancy position". Man-on-top (or missionary position) ensures deepest penetration so the sperm are nearest the cervix during ejaculation. Woman-on-top or standing positions may have gravity pulling sperm the wrong way. Another alternative is to lay down with your hips elevated following intercourse so gravity works the right direction, toward the cervix and uterus. Gender Selection: There are also theories that suggest that differing sexual positions might not only help you get pregnant, but also increase your odds of having a boy or a girl. Learn more about sexual position and gender selection.
Throw out the Old Habits, Bring in the NewIf you want to increase the odds of conceiving, having intercourse regularly is the key. This may seem obvious, but some couples do not have the time or energy for frequent love-making in today's face-paced world. A good habit is to start making time for that special rendezvous - and try to keep things romantic! Change your schedule. Be spontaneous.

Other habits from the old days that might need to go out with the condoms? Lubes. Using a lubricant can act as barrier to sperm and create a difficult, sperm-hostile environment in the vagina. The only lubricant that does not function as a barrier to sperm is Pre-Seed, a product specially designed by reproductive specialists. Pre-Seed is a sperm-friendly lubricant that may actually assist in conception by providing a moisturizing gel that emulates fertile cervical fluids.

1 comment:

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