Monday, March 2, 2009

Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy

Iron Deficiency During Pregnancy
Blood is the life-maintaining fluid that circulates through the body's heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries. It carries away waste matter and carbon dioxide, and brings nourishment, electrolytes, hormones, vitamins; antibodies, heat, and oxygen to the tissues, the signs of anemia become clearer. You may feel unusually tired and weak, and you might be irritable and have trouble concentrating on your work.

Women who do not have adequate iron stores can develop iron deficiency anemia. This is the most common type of anemia in pregnancy. It is the lack of iron in the blood, which is necessary to make hemoglobin - the part of blood that distributes oxygen from the lungs to tissues in the body. Good nutrition before becoming pregnant is important to help build up these stores and prevent iron deficiency anemia.

Eating at least three servings of iron-rich foods a day will help ensure that you are getting 30 mg. of iron in your daily diet. Please refer to the chart below for a list of iron-rich foods. One of the best ways to get iron into your diet is to eat a highly fortified breakfast cereal, such as Total, which has 18 mg of iron. Note that iron intake is not equal to iron absorption. Absorption of iron into the body is greatest with meat sources of iron.

The body absorbs iron more efficiently during pregnancy. Therefore it is important to consume more iron while you are pregnant to ensure that you and your baby are getting enough oxygen. Iron will also help you avoid symptoms of tiredness, weakness, irritability, and depression. The U.S. Recommended Daily Allowance (USRDA) for iron is 30 milligrams (mg) per day for pregnant and lactating (breastfeeding) womenIron pills are sold over the counter, and iron is included in many prenatal vitamins.

But don’t start popping extra iron until you’ve talked your doctor at your first prenatal appointment. Iron can cause an upset stomach, nausea, and constipation -- things that pregnant women certainly don’t need , necessary to make hemoglobin - the part of blood that distributes oxygen from the lungs to tissues in the body. Your doctor can show you how to get enough iron without going overboard.

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